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As The Sun Fades Away
(Berlin Remake)
EvOLu - Swedish electrowave from Berlin.
Following up on the debut album 00:00:00, which was released in February this year, COMEDIA is now proud to present a new single from the Berlin-based Swedish artist EvOLu.
As the sun sets and fades away
I will stay
until the last day
Every time I fall
I get down
on my knees
and pray
I get down
on my knees
and pray
until the sun
is coming out
once again
EvOLu influences comes from the vaults of late ’70s, early ’80s, Berlin’s club scene, sci-fi and horror film music. EvOLu creates a sound of dark electronic waves with catchy hooks of tomorrow.
The new single brings light to the dark, and is built on a steady electro beat that both supports the emotions of the hsad/happy lyrics and invites you to the dance floor.
The man behind EvOLu - multiartist Richard Solstjärna - has previously worked with Sweden’s alternative pop princesses Ida Long and SoLBLoMMa, the Berlin-based electro synth duo Noblesse Oblige Swedish producers Andreas Ahlenius (Sabia, Miss Li, Marty Willson-Piper, Di Leva), Christer Bjorklund (Robyn, Papa Dee, Di Leva), Håkan Nilsson (Di Leva), and the Berlin house producer Michael Lovatt a.o..